Thursday, July 31, 2008

Do you know what sucks?

Do you know what sucks? When I have people telling me, that I lost soooo much weight, and that I have "such a nice body" but i cant see it. When I look at my self in the mirror, I see someone who is overweight, someone that if she dosnt lose weight fast she might die, someone at eats way to much, someone who has not worked out in her whole life. And i hate that. Cause i work my ass off for at lest two hrrs every day. I just wish i could see what every one ealse see, unless they are all lieing to me, which i am starting to beleave. But I will have the perfect body, the perfect soul. Who needs food? all food does is make you fatt!! and who wants to be know when ever i asked someone, "Would you rather be to fat, or to skinny" everyone always says, "I would rather be to skinny"
And I want to be underweight soo badly cause if Im underweight, than there would be no way that I or anyone ealse for that matter could call me fat.

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